
Ezek voltak a RockStation szerkesztőségének idei kedvencei

2021. december 12. - theshattered

mastodon_2021_1.PNGIgaz, még messze nincs vége az évnek, de hát valamikor számot kell vetni a 2021-es kedvenceinkből - annyi megjelenés talán már nincs hátra, esetleg majd a jövő évire rárakjuk azokat :-) Szóval fogta magát a RockStation apraja-nagyja és összerakta, mikre rázta szívesen ebben az éven, mert hát volt mire. Fontos és nem győzzük kiemelni: mindenkinek megvan a maga stílusa és természetesen egyikünk sem hallgatta végig az összes idén megjelent korongot, így lehet, hogy hiányolni fogtok ezt-azt, de hát ilyen a szubjektivitás.


Rózsa Tamás /KoaX/

1.Limp Bizkit - Still Sucks
2.Jerry Cantrell - Brighten
3.King Buffalo - The Burden Of Restlessness
4.Monolord - Your Time To Shinw
5.Thy Catafalque - Vadak
6.Starified - Fat Hits
7.Iah - III
8.High Desert Queen - Secrets Of The Black Moon
9.Rob Zombie - The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy
10.King Buffalo - Acheron


Lányi Kristóf

1. Silent Planet – Iridescent
2. Turnstile – Glow On
3. Converge - Bloodmoon: I
4. Spiritbox - Eternal Blue
5. Brand of Sacrifice - Lifeblood
6. The Browning - End of Existence
7. Humanity’s Last Breath - Välde
8. While She Sleeps - Sleeps Society
9. Gojira - Fortitude
10. Vulvodynia – Praenuntius Infiniti


Faragó Szabolcs /Rattlehead18/

1. Gojira: Fortitude
2. Leprous: Aphelion
3. Magma Rise: To Earth, To Ashes, To Dust
4. Remorse: Kohó
5. Witherfall: Curse Of Autumn
6. Dream Theater: A View From The Top Of The World
7. Iron Maiden: Senjutsu
8. Foo Fighters: Medicine At Midnight
9. LeBrock: Fuse
10. Billy F Gibbons: Hardware


Horváth Ákos /Vinyl_Woww/

1. Quicksand - Distant Populations
2. Turnstile - Glow On
3. Tomahawk - Tonic Immobility
4. Mogwai - As The Love Continues
5. Converge - Bloodmoon: I
6. Melvins - Five Legged Dog
7. Royal Blood - Typhoons
8. Carcass - Torn Arteries
9. Monolord - Your Time to Shine
10. The Black Keys - Delta Kream


Keszler József /Moravsky_vrabec/

1. Gojira - Fortitude
2. Trivium - In the Court of the Dragon
3. Thunder - All the Right Noises
4. Green Lung - Black Harvest
5. Greta Van Fleet - The Battle at Garden’s Gate
6. The Night Flight Orchestra - Aeromantic II
7. Spiritbox - Eternal Blue
8. Danko Jones - Power Trio
9. Billy F. Gibbons - Hardware
10. Alice Cooper - Detroit Stories


Tamás József /Frogfoot/

1. Carcass - Torn Arteries
2. Exodus - Persona Non Grata
3. Fear Factory - Aggression Continuum
4. Gojira - Fortitude
5. Ministry - Moral Hygiene
6. Red Fang - Arrows
7. Volbeat - Servant of the Mind
8. Artillery - X
9. Billy F. Gibbons - Hardware
10. Cadaveres - Ars Moriendi


Szabó Melinda /Elisorne/

1. Spiritbox - Eternal blue
2. Powerwolf - Call of the wild
3. Rise Against - Nowhere Generation
4. Gojira - Fortitude
5. The Offspring - Let the bad times roll
6. The Black Keys - Delta Kream
7. Royal Blood - Typhoons
8. Dropkick Murphys - Turn up that Dial
9. The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll
10. The Killers - Pressure Machine


Novák Árpád /Árposz/

1. Cradle Of Filth – Existence Is Futile
2. Exodus - Persona Non Grata
3. Swallow the Sun - Moonflowers
4. 1914 - Where Fear And Weapons Meet
5. Trivium - In the Court of the Dragon
6. Motorjesus - Hellbreaker
7. Headless Elegance - Libra
8. Dream Theater - A View From The Top Of The World
9. Tribulation - When The Gloom Becomes Sound
10. Powerwolf - Call of the wild


Tauszik Viktor /Magnetic Star/

1. Wheel – Preserved in Time
2. Soen – Imperial
3. Kenn Nardi – Trauma
4. King Woman – Celestial Blues
5. Exodus – Persona Non Grata
6. Dug Pinnick – Joy Bomb
7. Count Raven – The Sixth Storm
8. Carcass – Torn Arteries
9. Levara – Levara
10. Torn From Earth – Self


Csikós Anita /Ronnietoad/

1. King Woman - Celestial Blues
2. Swallow the Sun - Moonflowers
3. Badflower - This Is How The World Ends
4. Sion - SION
5. Dordeduh - Har
6. Big|Brave - Vital
7. Kenn Nardi - Trauma
8. Converge & Chelsea Wolfe - Bloodmoon: I
9. Rob Zombie - The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy
10. Joe Bonamassa - Time Clocks


Hancz Attila /Sunthatneversets/

1. Green Lung - Black Harvest
2. Turnstile - Glow On
3. Iron Maiden - Senjutsu
4. Quicksand - Distant Populations
5. King Buffalo - The Burden Of Restlessnes
6. Gojira - Fortitude
7. Volbeat - Servant Of The Mind
8. Mastodon - Hushed & Grim
9. Headless Elegance - Libra
10. Red Fang - Arrows


Szilágyi Gábor /Theshattered/

1. Between The Buried And Me - Colors II
2. Leprous - Aphelion
3. Thy Catafalque - Vadak
4. Spiritbox - Eternal Blue
5. Archspire - Bleed the Future
6. Trivium - In The Court Of The Dragon
7. Dream Theater - A View From The Top Of The World
8. Road - Senki Kedvéért Nem Fékezünk
9. Cadaveres - Ars Moriendi
10. We Butter The Bread With Butter - Das Album


Sebők Szabolcs /Sebiszabi/

1. Mastodon - Hushed and Grim
2. Unto Others - Strength
3. Soen - IMPERIAL
4. Gojira - Fortitude
5. Steven Wilson - THE FUTURE BITES
6. Lizzard - Eroded
7. Vola - Witness
8. Moonspell - Hermitage
9. Wheel - Resident Human
10. Between The Buried And Me - Colors II

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